Dram Scotland reports..
“Over 45 businesses follow Boda Bar Group’s lead by signing up to app promoting remote working spaces”
Jason Caddy

Anna Christopherson of Edinburgh-based Boda Bar Group was the very first person to sign up to the Swurf app that launched in May to help businesses to promote their space during quiet times for anybody that is working remotely through the pandemic and that is looking for a change of scene from home-working. McLarens on the Corner, The Ox and Le Monde in Edinburgh, The Marine Bar in Troon, The Crown Plaza in Glasgow, various Chaophraya restaurants, and The Aberdeen Altens Hotel are among 45 businesses that have since signed up.
Swurf founder and director Nikki Gibson told DRAM, “Swurf has gained significant traction since our launch and Anna was our very first sign up and supporter.
“My background is hospitality, working in hotels before moving to events where I owned and operated my own company, Naked Events, for the last 11 years, and so have experienced first hand the devastation of Covid, and that’s the motivation behind Swurf.
“Our sector always finds a way of adapting and reinventing itself and I think there are a lot of exciting opportunities in the future, for those that embrace them at least, and lead the way.”
Said Anna Christopherson, “Boda Bars joined because we are well aware the landscape is changing for bars. We need to invite people in on the quiet times. At the same time lots of companies are cancelling their office space and asking people to work from home. But let’s face it, working from home does not suit everybody. “

Reported in Dram Scotland 26.07.21 Link here for actual story
Jason Caddy